
April 21, 2016

Check out here the full schedule of the FeCHA Hispanic Film Festival 2017



Truman ταινία του Cesc Gay FeCHA Φεστιβάλ Ισπανόφωνου ΚινηματογράφουTRUMAN (Cesc Gay, Spain, 2015, 108′)

Spanish comedy with 5 Goya Awards (Best Film, Director, Script, Leading and Supporting Actor). Julián receives an unexpected visit from his friend Tomás, who lives in Canada. For four intense days, the two men, accompanied by Julián’s faithful dog, Truman, will share emotional and surprising moments prompted by Julián’s complicated situation.

An opening ceremony will take place sponsored by the restaurant “The Mexican” and beer by Sol.


FRIDAY 3rd JUNE 2016


Conducta / Behaviour / ΣυμπεριφοράBEHAVIOR / CONDUCTA (Ernesto Daranas, Cuba, 2014, 110′)

Chala is eleven years old and lives alone with his drug addict mother. He trains fighting dogs for a living, and this world of violence sometimes surfaces when he is at school. Carmela is his sixth grade teacher, for whom the boy feels affection and respect. One day she becomes ill and musts give up the school for several months. The new teacher, unable to understand Chala’s behavior, sends him off to a reeducation school.



Musarañas / Shrew’s Nest / Οι ΜέγαιρεςSHREW’S NEST / MUSARAÑAS (Juanfer Andrés – Esteban Roel, Spain, 2014, 90′)

Spain, the 1950s. Montse is no longer a young woman. She lost the blush of youth caring for her little sister, holed up in a sinister apartment in downtown Madrid. Their mother died giving birth to the little one and their father couldn’t handle it. Now, she suffers from agoraphobia and cannot take a single step outside the house. One day her neighbour Carlos is misfortunate enough to stumble down the stairwell and looks for help at the only door he was able to drag himself to. Montse takes him in.




Ποιός κλέβει ποιόν; / Cien años de perdónONE HUNDRED YEARS OF FORGIVENESS / CIEN AÑOS DE PERDÓN (Daniel Calparsoro, Spain, 2016, 95′)

On a torrentially rainy morning in Valencia, six men enter a bank in Valencia shortly after it opens and commence a hold-up. All the leader of the pack, known only as El Uruguayo, wants is to empty as many safes in the vault as possible and escape. But things are about to get complicated, especially when the bank manager reveals a secret that is hidden in one of the safes.



Desde Allá una película de Lorenzo VigasFROM AFAR / DESDE ALLÁ (Lorenzo Vigas, Venezuela – Mexico, 2015, 93′)

Wealthy middle-aged Armando (Alfredo Castro) lures young men to his home with money. He doesn’t want to touch, only watch from a strict distance. He also follows an elderly businessman with whom he seems to have had a traumatic relationship. Armando’s first encounter with street thug Elder (Luis Silva) is violent, but this doesn’t discourage the lonely man’s fascination with the tough handsome teenager.



SUNDAY 5th JUNE 2016


Χωρίς Παιδιά / Sin Hijos μια ταινία της Άριελ ΓουίνογκραντNO KIDS / SIN HIJOS (Ariel Winograd, Argentina – Spain, 2015, 90′)

Gabriel has been separated for four years now. Since then his 8 year old daughter is the center of his life. Completely avoiding getting involved in a new romantic relationship, Gabriel focus all his energy in his daughter and work. This plan gets spoiled when Vicky, a platonic love from his adolescence, now a beautiful and independent woman appears in his life. When romance is about to start, she puts one condition: She would never get involved with a man with children.



Cuatro Lunas - FeCHA - Festival de Cine Hispano de AtenasFOUR MOONS / CUATRO LUNAS (Sergio Tovar Velarde, Mexico, 2013, 110′)

Four stories of love and heartbreak between men of different generations facing their conflicts and their fears. Four stories about love and self-acceptance.




MONDAY 6th JUNE 2016


Διακοπές / Feriado μια ταινία του Ντιέγκο Αραούχο FeCHA φεστιβάλ Ισπανόφωνου ΚινηματογράφουHOLIDAY / FERIADO (Diego Araujo, Ecuador, 2014, 82′)

Juan Pablo, 16, travels to the remote family hacienda in the Andes, where his uncle, who is involved in a corruption scandal, has taken refuge with his wife and teenage children. It is the carnival holiday of 1999, days before the collapse of Ecuador’s banking system. There, Juan Pablo meets Juano, an enigmatic, self-assured black-metal fan from the nearby pueblo, who opens his eyes to anew, liberating universe.



Τα Μανιτάρια / Los Hongos ταινία FeCHA φεστιβάλ ισπανόφωνου κινηματογράφουTHE MUSHROOMS / LOS HONGOS (Oscar Ruiz Navia, Colombia, 2014, 103′)

Every night after work, RAS paints graffiti onto different walls of his neighbourhood in the east of his city, Cali Colombia. During the day he is a construction worker and the son of Maria, a sweet mulatto woman who migrated to the city from the Pacific Jungle. One day RAS loses his job because he steals several cans of paint with which he has been painting a huge mural on the lot next to his house.





las ovejasSIDETRACKED / LAS OVEJAS NO PIERDEN EL TREN (Álvaro Fernández Armero, Spain, 2014, 103′)

Luisa and Alberto move out to the country to have their second child in an idyllic spot, even though the price to pay is the most apathetic sex imaginable after six years of marriage. Someone who has no intention of setting foot in the countryside is Juan, Alberto’s brother who is going out with Natalia, a young woman twenty years his junior who he sees as a lifesaver despite the crazy things kids her age do.



NN A film by Héctor Gálvez FeCHA Ισπανόφωνο Κινηματογραφικό Φεστιβάλ ΑθήναςNN (Héctor Gálvez, Peru, 2014, 90′)

The remains of a male body who had presumably disappeared during the years of political violence in Peru have been exhumed but nobody claims them. Now the only clue to his identification is a picture of a smiling girl found in his shirt. Only a blurred photo, a snapshot of a moment in time and a memory…

NN was Peru’s official entry to compete in the Best Foreign Language Film category at the 87th Academy Awards




la-culpa-del-corderoTHE GUILT OF THE LAMB / LA CULPA DEL CORDERO (Gabriel Drak, Uruguay, 2012, 85′)

Jorge and Elena have been married for 35 years. Just before Jorge’s recent retirement, the couple will decide to make a serious change in their lives and announce this change to the rest of their family. So they invite their 4 children for a barbecue. As time goes by and toasts are made, all the family secrets come to the surface and nothing will ever be the same again.

Screening at the Greek Film Archive, with free admission.


Η φαμιλια El Clan ταινία FeCHA Φεστιβάλ Ισπανόφωνου ΚινηματογράφουTHE CLAN / EL CLAN (Pablo Trapero, Argentina, 2015, 110′)

Based on the true story of the Puccio family, this film full of suspense and intrigue takes place in the context of the final years of the Argentine military dictatorship and incipient return to democracy.  Argentina in the early eighties. Within a typical family home in the traditional neighborhood of San Isidro, a sinister clan makes its living off kidnapping and murder.




vida sexual de las plantasSEX LIFE OF PLANTS / VIDA SEXUAL DE LAS PLANTAS (Sebastián Brahm, Chile, 2015, 95′)

After a head injury makes a dimwit stranger out Barbara’s beloved Guille, she ceases to feel desire for him. Nearing 35, and longing for motherhood, she settles with a new partner, while the memory of lost love harrows her.