Days of Hispanic Cinema 2021

Festival de Cine Hispanófono de Atenas – FeCHA presents for the 2nd year, “Days of Hispanic Cinema” on 12-14 October 2021, which coincides with the “Día de la Hispanidad/ Día del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural” after the massive interest by the public in the 2020 screenings.

During the event, 6 award-winning films from Spain and Latin America will be presented via online viewing for free to all of Greece.

Screenings on

A few words about “Día de la Hispanidad/Día del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural On account of the “discovery” of America on the 12th October 1492 by Christopher Colombus -who thought he was in India- this date is celebrated in Spain as “Día de la Hispanidad” . The term Hispanidad, represents the whole of spanish speaking peoples and cultures. In Latin America the same day is celebrated as “Día del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural” and focuses on the respect of the diverse cultures and races.

Scorched Earth Antonio Ferrer / Spain / 2020 / 75’

It is the search, with the testimony of victims and experts, to understand what Francoism was, how it achieved a docile society and how we’ve reached the current state of indifference and growth of the far-right.

Fidel Up Close Eduardo Flores, Gabriel Beristain, Roberto Chile / Mexico, Cuba, USA / 2020 / 94’

The film is not a strict chronological account of the events in which he had to participate, but a unique window to get closer to some of the most emblematic, most studied, but less known characters of our time.

Alcatena Diego Arandojo / Argentina / 2020 / 97’

Life and work of the Argentine cartoonist Enrique “Quique Alcatena”. An in-depth look at this creator of fantastic worlds and beings, with the testimonial contribution of co-workers, friends and family. In collaboration with Comicdom CON Athens.

The Swirl Laura Herrero Garvín / Mexico / 2016 / 73’

Pedro is a farmer who defends his identity and his dreams; his sister Esther strives for a better future for her daughter as she shares her world through the lens of her small camera. They live in El Remolino, a tiny riverside community in Chiapas, Mexico, which is affected by strong floods every year. To them, life is like a swirl that spins them across the journey of their internal cycles and of the greater natural cycle of the river.

Mara’akame’s dream Federico Cecchetti / Mexico / 2016 / 90’

Nieri is a young Huichol man whose dream is to travel with his musical band to play in a concert in the greater Mexico City, but his father, a Mara´akame (Huichol shaman), has other plans for him, as he must follow his tradition and find the blue deer in his dreams, so he can learn to heal and become a Mara’akame. Nieri travels to the great city where, being completely lost, he will find his vision.

The Light on the Hill Ricardo Velarde / Peru / 2016 / 85’

Jefferson and Chino, two forensic practitioners, and Padilla, a police captain punished for his violent behavior, find themselves immersed in an investigation in a remote town in the Peruvian Andes. There, the corpse of a shepherd has been found in strange circumstances.