The 8th FeCHA Film Festival, in collaboration with the Embassy of Peru, presents a tribute to Peruvian director Roberto Bonilla on the roof of the Instituto Cervantes (31 Skoufa Street) with free entry on Wednesday 29th May, at 21:00.
The films are screened with subtitles in Greek,
The films:

ES AMADOR (1979, 12’)
To the rhythm of violin and cajón, the documentary shows part of the life of Afro-Peruvian musician and zapateador Amador Ballumbrosio, known to his friends as Champita.

Based on the poetic narration “Hay Si, Santiago Paisi”, by Cesar Calvo, an irrigator from northern Peru sows the “caña brava” and harvests the “caña dulce”.

LAZEROS (1990, 10’)
In Úcupe, Chiclayo, there was the hobby of the horsemen to go out to capture wild donkeys that came down from the ravine of the highlands to the coastal plain, in search of fresh grass. Master Urita is in charge of making the leather lassoes; the patrol is commanded by Jaime Rivas, the best Lazerote, and Segundo Rivera, the fastest roper in the world.

EL TERCER SUEÑO (1987, 10’)
On a deserted beach, two 17th century gentlemen duel for the honor of a beautiful 20th century woman.

AL TOQUE DE QUEDA (1987, 9’)
Animated short film that narrates, in a comedy tone, the adventures and misadventures of a character who is shot during the curfew, installed to stop the wave of violence that convulses the country by the terrorist group Shining Path.

PM López (1999, 16’)
Short film that, with black humor, depicts life as a reality TV show.
Who is Roberto Bonilla?

Roberto Bonilla is an outstanding director and screenwriter who made short documentaries, animated and fiction films. His cinematographic work depicts what it was like to make films in Peru between the eighties and nineties, and constitutes a significant contribution to the audiovisual heritage and the history of Peruvian cinema.